Bruce Hale 's Books
A very well recieved series by Bruce Hale are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Fuzzy Fights Back, From Russia with Lunch, Fat Cat of Underwhere, Big Bad Detective Agency, Mutant Mantis Lunch Ladies, The Curse of the Were-Hyena, The Malted Falcon, Dial M for Mongoose, This Gum for Hire, Give My Regrets to Broadway, Pirates of Underwhere, Fuzzy Takes Charge, The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse, Farewell, My Lunchbag, Prince of Underwhere, Key Lardo, The Possum Always Rings Twice, Murder, My Tweet, Flyboy of Underwhere, Invasion of the Scorp-lions, Ends of the Earth, Trouble Is My Beeswax, The Hamster of the Baskervilles, The Mystery of Mr. Nice, which was published in 2022.
Fuzzy Fights Back
From Russia with Lunch
Fat Cat of Underwhere
Big Bad Detective Agency
Mutant Mantis Lunch Ladies
The Curse of the Were-Hyena
The Malted Falcon
Dial M for Mongoose
This Gum for Hire
Give My Regrets to Broadway
Pirates of Underwhere
Fuzzy Takes Charge
The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse
Farewell, My Lunchbag
Prince of Underwhere
Key Lardo
The Possum Always Rings Twice
Murder, My Tweet
Flyboy of Underwhere
Invasion of the Scorp-lions
Ends of the Earth
Trouble Is My Beeswax
The Hamster of the Baskervilles
The Mystery of Mr. Nice